Sunday, September 19, 2010

Soul Sisters & Other Angels

I have long believed that your true friends are the angels that carry you when your wings cannot remember how to fly… That has been the case for me. I have been blessed beyond belief, over the years, with amazing friends who are nothing less than sisters to my soul. Many of them have commented on here.

There are 3 special angel friends who, it would be no exaggeration to say, have carried me like a child tucked close to their hearts these past months… I don’t know what would have happened to me if they had not closed ranks around me like mighty warriors, nursing my wounds, lifting me to my feet, and reminding me who I am. All while helping me fend off further attacks…

Someone asked me the other day what exactly The Him did that knocked me for such a loop… How could I, a strong, independent woman who knows she doesn’t need a man, be so devastated by one man alone? I’ll tell you….someday…..maybe tomorrow… but today, I want to tell you about angels.

Sometimes God knows that you’re going to need a particular person in your life more often than usual so, to give you a break, he lets you be born into the same family. That way you’ll never lose their address, or phone number… or email.. or blog address..

I believe that is why I was given my wonderful mother...

And my cousin…Special Angel Friend Sally… She is my living spirit guide…Her wisdom is what has made me strong, and made my grief a conduit for growth…

Sally and I have been close since… well… birth… give or take 4 months…
I’ve always been trying to “get inside her head.”


Salsa or Bloody Marys? Pick your remedy.

Sometimes, The Universe brings people to you that are no less “family” even though they weren’t born to anyone you’re related to. For me that is my friend Jan... She is my "sister" that the stork dropped into the wrong family…. Well, I guess it could be argued that I was the one dropped into the wrong family, but I don’t think her family would have survived the two of us together. It does make me smile to imagine it though…

Jan and I became friends 14 years ago when we were both law enforcement dispatchers.. We became partners in trouble at first sight, and have been friends ever since.

These three women....are amazing.... They listened… and listened again.. They rebuilt, with such tenderness, every broken place inside of me…To restore my “knowing” they sometimes had to carry it for me, until I could have faith and know for myself again.

I don’t know what I did to deserve such love, patience, and tenderness but I am extremely thankful for it.

Writing this blog has reminded me that you never know when you’re entertaining angels unaware….

With the internet, our world had been cracked open… I know it has altered my life in so many ways it is almost mind-boggling… Everyone reading this knows what I mean…In this box… this cyber-space… we have communicated some of our most secret thoughts, and feelings to people that we have never actually met.

The “meeting” part becomes immaterial. We know and we are known in return.

I have been built up, and educated both in my art and in my life.

Yesterday "in the box," I spoke to a stranger angel in Texas who told me a story that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up…He told me of his dream of playing pro football and how it ended when he was in college, but that in hind sight (say it with me-“the clearest of visions”) he could see that God had a bigger plan for him as a musician… now he not only gets to channel the creative force of the Universe through himself, he gets to witness it’s effect on people while he does it… Very cool.. He then shared a scripture with me… (Yes, I do own a Bible, it’s pages are marked and everything…I think I just heard the sound of bodies hitting the floor in shock.)

Isaiah 55:8-9 (New International Version)
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

It struck me so profoundly that if it hadn’t been for MY recent heartbreak, I would never have started writing for my healing… The pictures that seem so “at home” here in the middle of these words might have languished forever in a box on my shelf…. A creative spring began to flow, as the river that carried me for years went dry, no longer capable of sustaining life…

They say the flap of a butterfly’s wings can create a hurricane on the other side of the world…. Imagine the power of angel wings… creating a miracle just where someone is needing it …

Every one of you is an Angel Unaware, every day… You might not get told of it when it happens. You might not know that when you looked that woman in the eye and smiled as you passed, or held the door open, or spoke that kind word (maybe on a tumbleweed) that she was feeling so alone.

You may never know all the people you touch, but please know that you are healing me… every time you take the time from your busy lives, and your own heartbreaks to pull one of these notes off a tumbleweed… every time you write something back ..You have no idea how much you contribute to my survival, and healing.

Every time I feel like raging at those that hurt me, and risk being sucked back into that pointlessness…. I come here instead and write to you.. The healing effect it has surprises and humbles me every time. Thank you…. from the bottom of my cowboy boots… Thank you.

I would love to hear about your Special Angel Friends… Who has made all the difference in your journey? If you feel so moved, tie it to a tumbleweed and send it back.

Angels on your bodies,
Prairie Girl


  1. Fabulous post! There is nothing like a kindred spirit to lift your spirits is there? While walking 8 years ago I suddenly got the idea to start a book club. I don't know why, I hadn't read a book in years. I came up with a list of 15 women, some I'd never met before but we had mutual friends. I don't know why I picked the names I picked, I just knew they were the ones to send an invite to. 8 years later we are still going strong. We have laughed together, cried together, sat threw chemo together, celebrated life together and felt blessed that some one upstairs knew we needed each other...and that I actually listened to that little voice.

    I grew up with a library, a sewing room, a wood shop and no TV. We were encouraged to read and be creative. It has been wonderful to find the joy of reading again and disappearing for hours on end in the magical world of a good book.

  2. Janet that is a great story... I love it when we let ourselves go with our intuition/God/The Universe AND get to see it make a difference in other people's lives... It's very cool that it brought you back to something that brings you joy at the same time... I love reading. I seldom give myself permission to do it though so I'm thankful for audio books so I can "read" while working...

  3. Don't forget to list yourself among the "angels". Your friendship and love have been a blessing to me and I cherish the both!

  4. You my dear, are my angel! Don't know what I would have done without you these past couple of years, you helped me through the tears and heartache when I thought there was no hope. Thank you! I love you girl!

  5. Barb, and Danetta, you guys are so precious to me. I hope you both know how much I love and appreciate you.
    Angels on your bodies.

  6. I love the photos you post along with your wonderful, wise words. This is totally off-topic, but in the picture of your mom and Sally's mom in the red and white dresses, both of them look like Peggy on Mad Men. Do you watch it? It's eerie how much they look like her, and like one another!

    My best angel these days is my dog. I would not have believed before adopting him from a shelter three years ago that I would become a baby-talking mushy mush for a DOG! I've been a cat person for years! But once I felt the devotion and adoration only a dog can give (and make you believe it), I was a goner. Probably 1/1000th of what it's like to have close as I'm ever going to get, anyway!


  7. Betsy, I think it's as close to having kids as you can get w/out having them... gee, just confused myself... Dogs are amazing. I think they are often angels in fur. I'm so glad you have one. Very cool.

    I don't watch Mad Men, but told mom about it. Too funny.

    I love and appreciate you.
    Angels on your body.

  8. You have such a wonderful gift for writing. I'm sorry that I've allowed so much time to go by without visiting your blog and telling you how much your sharing blesses my life (I don't know how.....but it feels like a blessing when I read your thoughts).

    Your 3 special people do sound wonderful, I'm so glad you have such great women to lift you up. I'm sure they feel you are just as much a blessing in their lives.

    Thinking of you.

  9. Teresa that made me cry that was so sweet... Thank you for saying that. It means more than you can know..
    Angels on your body.
