Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The First Note On A Tumbleweed...

Okay, so I know that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger… or at least it’s supposed to…but what about the people we don’t “kill” yet want to… not REALLY kill, just wish were dead… well not REALLY wish it because that would be too quick and not make them suffer enough for the way they harmed you..

Really, just wishing random pain, like a flowerpot falling on their head, won’t do it. They need to break each other’s hearts, hurt and betray each other the way they did you to really make you believe in “seed-time & harvest”, “what goes around comes around”. Ya know what I’m saying?

Okay let me insert here that while I have been knocked for a loop the likes of which I have never known, I have merely been used, lied to, cheated on, and a man.

I have NOT lost a child. I have NOT been abandoned by a husband to have to live on the charity of others to take care of my children. I have NOT suffered a loss like so many of my friends have, and I keep reminding myself of that and thanking God & The Universe every day for all the good in my life I DO have

I just feel so stupid, so gullible, but most of all so sad at loosing what I thought was real. A man I believed was real but, as it turned out, was really just cubic zircona.

My problem is hope. Faith, or a lack of it. I have always been a cup is half full girl  but now my “jewelry/diamond” cup not only feels empty, I’m aware that it’s been empty for 12 years.

I want to believe there really is a diamond out there, and THAT is the rub. Before THIS man came into my life I didn't even WANT a "diamond". Would have sworn, actually DID swear repeatedly, that I NEVER wanted another man in my life. It was just not worth the effort. NONE of it (Not even s.e.x.) was worth the effort. Turns out I was wrong.

Here's another analogy. I'm like an Ethiopian who didn't know there was any such thing as steak but was given steak for months then sent back to Ethiopia.... with a bad case of food poisoning...a palpable longing for steak... and a doubt that she’ll ever find a good one, a true one. One that doesn’t make her sick in the end.

But I’m choosing to believe. Believe in the good of all things. Believe that there are no coincidences. I am willing to, as Colin Tipping says in his book Radical Forgiveness, “be willing to see the perfection in the situation.” I am more than willing. I do see it. It all happened for a reason, just the way it was supposed to. I believe that, but then I’m just crazy that way.

I “get” that I'm just in the "waiting place." Waiting for the pain to go away and STAY away. Waiting until it doesn't bother me to be reminded of the betrayal. Until it doesn’t feel like a punch in the solar plexus to hear that they’ve found “the love of their lives” and knowing it started while he was with me! Letting me show him and his kids a great vacation. In my house! In my…. Never mind….

I’m waiting with GREAT anticipation for the day that I don’t miss him. Sick huh? Not the him that betrayed me with such blatant disregard… but the him that went camping and had to climb 500 ft up the hill above his campsite to get a cell signal and send me a picture, and hear my voice, because he couldn’t go all night without talking to me… The him that told me almost daily every good quality I possess…The him I used to call and read aloud every deep and meaningful thing I discovered.. The him who would call me and have me do a crossword puzzle with him over the phone while he drove just to hear me talk….I’m waiting not to have that sick feeling that THAT him was not real.

Waiting to NOT feel SOOOOOO stupid. Because how could someone so sweet and thoughtful, and amazing, do to me what he did and really be who I thought he was? He couldn’t right?

I’m waiting until I can honestly wish him and this new woman (a woman he barely knew from HS 30 yrs ago and met again on Facebook recently, who declared her undying love, and so he dropped me like a hot rock for, after using me of course) and let The Universe take care of them. Because I DO believe in “seed time & harvest”, “what goes around comes around”.

I know that my wishing happiness, honestly wishing it for them, is wishing it for myself too. I’ve taken the “high” road through it all (except for a few wishes of heartbreak that is,) and I’m willing to reap every thing I’ve sown. 

I’m waiting for the world to turn and time to pass, because I do believe that time is my friend.

I’m waiting… and I’m trying to have faith.. To believe… in diamonds…. diamonds that don’t loose their sparkle so easily the way cubic zircona does…

I am thankful for my angel friends who lift me up when my wings forget how to fly. Who are patient with me day after day when they have to repeat the same things.. “Fill your mind with happy/positive/thankful thoughts,” “find your peace, then you will create your world from there.”

I asked my wise, and special angel friend Sally, why my intuition didn’t warn me… I LIVE by my intuition! So why I did I have to be kicked in the teeth before I could believe the negative side of the mixed messages… I honestly think it tried to talk to me, my intuition. I just couldn’t get a clear read…

I liken it to rabbit ears TV (remember, before cable?) Well, for those of you too young to remember, back when the only way to get a TV picture/signal was with an antenna on top of the television, things would interfere with the signal. Like other electronics.. say if you walked by the TV w/the portable phone or something, the picture would get all staticy/fuzzy…. That’s how my “gut” has felt for the last few months when dealing w/this man and I didn’t know why. When we got along I was “sort of” peaceful, when things were….. unsettled.. I was obviously unsettled… for lack of a better way to put it… I couldn’t find my “peace”, and I LIVE by my peace… I had perpetual static..

Sally said that I couldn’t hear my intuition because I was so “low energy” (metaphysically speaking, not like I needed a nap, or cup of coffee) from the stress & negativity going on with my ex-husband at the time.

She said that they’ve done studies and that when people are “low energy”, with guilt and shame being the absolute lowest level, that they cannot even hear or recognize the truth when presented with it. I find this interesting, and plan to study this some more. I want to know about this energy stuff cause I’m gonna work on keeping mine up…

Okay, that sucking noise you hear…. TTTHHHHWWWUUUUUUUUUCCCKKK…. Is the sound of me being pulled out of the muck and stood on my feet by nothing less than angels… I do know that I really am VERY blessed.

The view from upright is pretty good… way better than face down in the mud that’s for sure… I’m putting one foot in front of the other….trying not to slip and fall again…with every step saying “I forgive you ______ _______ . I bless and release you to the Holy Spirit, and I am free.” “I am willing to see the perfection in this situation”…. rinse & repeat…

I send this out like a note tied to a tumbleweed… blowing across the prairie…. I don’t know if anyone will find it… or read it…I just needed to say it... even if just to the wind.


  1. That which is no longer in me, can no longer hurt me. (as much) ( so I hear) Pain is pain. It helps me tremndously to write. Sometimes my writing isnt fit for print, but I manage to get it out by taking pen to a nickel piece of fabric. ( u should SEE THAT PILE!)
    I'm gonna send u some tips for blogging effectively.. keep working on the grief, its the only way to journey on through it.
    Love yer guts, G

  2. Thanks G... love yer guts too... angels on your body

  3. Beautifully written! Memories of my husband of 14 years announcing he had a fiance came flooding back. Then my new memories of 11 years with my "true" soul mate quickly remind me I am who I am today because of what I've been threw. I like me now, I love my life. My sister taught me that pain is like a pendulum swinging threw emotions. At first it has a huge swinging motion and stays in hurt and pain for hours or even days, but then slowly swings into anger, then healing then back to pain. As time passes it the swing gets smaller and smaller until it stays in a good place, a happy place. On bad days I would remind myself I was just swinging threw the bad place and it would pass and next time it would be smaller. How true that was. Hang in there girl! {{hugs}}

  4. Tracye darlin' - I don't blame you a bit for hurting, but I hope it won't last long. I have a feeling your ex will not be a happy man. Unfortunately, men tend to think with the little head -- especially as they get older and want to recapture their youth. He will most likely come to regret his decision, but you will not be there when he does. Keep writing on your tumbleweeds. Perhaps there is a Sam Elliott at the end of the prairie, waiting to read your notes, waiting for you to fill his heart. I can tell you some "goes around/comes around" stories that would curl your hair -- and perhaps lighten your mood. You are a beautiful, wonderful woman. Never stop believing that for a moment. Just because your ex is currently suffering from testosterone poisoning doesn't mean there is a thing wrong with you! Hugs and blessings be to you.

  5. OMG Linda I LOVE that thought!

    You know the Ex, The Him, told me just last week before I quit speaking to him (again) that I was still his "best friend and best lover ever". The "most beautiful, compassionate, passionate woman he'd ever known", and the person who knew him better than anyone on Earth.... Wonder how the new love would feel knowing he was saying that stuff to another woman?

    See, he and I suffer from a difference of "belief" about relationships.. to me someone I described like that would be the one I'd try to hold on to. But to him the person to be in a "romantic relationship" with is the one who thinks he's perfect all the time. Is NEVER unhappy with him... kind of like a blow up doll w/a voice box programed only to say "oh how big and strong you are" and such...

    The truth is, he hadn't been MY best friend for months and months. That should have been my "sign".

    Thank you for your comment. You made me smile... a big hopeful smile..
    Angels on your body.

  6. Janet I really like the analogy of the pendulum. Dang that that's good! And true, the swings are getting smaller and staying longer in the good places.
    Thank you for your comment.
    Angels on your body.

  7. You wrote: The truth is, he hadn't been MY best friend for months and months. That should have been my "sign".

    You needed Bill Engvall to hand it to you: Here's your sign!

    ...But now you've seen it, and it's natural to examine things but I hope you soon come to know that you're not gullible, definitely not stupid! You're open to the possibilities, and it's one of the qualities I most admire. I believe we get lessons, and other people are our teachers, and some of the classes will put you through the wringer. But you come out closer to your true self, if you're smart and brave, are.

    Now I mean it, check out that Macy Gray!


  8. Love your blog! You're great at expressing yourself in words and putting visual images in my mind of how you (and I) feel as you are in photography. You've hit sore (and soft) spots a couple of times. I have several thoughts about "him" but will save that for another time. Just believe that your "Diamond" is out there. He may not come tomorrow or any time soon, but just when you least expect it, he'll come "tumbling" into your life. Keep writing!

  9. You have such a way with words Tracye and I'm so glad to see you writing them down! I am truly sorry for what ____ did to you, but as hard as it is, and you know I've been there girl, it does and will continue to make you stronger even though the pain at times is unbearable, things do get better. Just take each day as it comes and know the angels have a special plan for you and a special someone in mind that will be revealed in time.

    I love the pendulum analogy, I'll have to start looking at things that way.

    I know your Sam is out there just waiting for you!

    Luv ya bunches!

  10. OK, enough of Sam! It's hard to go to bed and lay next to the DH!! lol That voice would melt steel!!

  11. Barb, I was tip-toeing through the mud in my driveway the morning I started this blog.. thinking about how my friends really are angels that pull me from the muck everytime I get down... and I looked down and saw that feather in the mud... whipped out my handy dandy cell phone and snapped the pic... Pretty serendipitous I thought... I just love serendipity... And I love you too btw... Angels on your body
