Saturday, August 28, 2010

Finding A Way...

Yesterday as I was walking (I said I did it sometimes!) I glanced back over my shoulder as I crossed this cattlegard and saw Baby crossing it behind me. I’d never before paid attention to how the dogs got where I was going.

Most the time they’re out on the prairie somewhere, but when I saw Baby crossing like this the first thing I thought was “resilience”… but I don’t think that’s accurate… “determined” maybe? How about “persistent”? Or better yet “perseverance” - steady and continued action or belief, usually over a long period and especially despite difficulties or setbacks.

See, what struck me is that other dogs would have just crawled under the barbed wire fence to the side of the cattlegard, or gone under the panels to the side. A sleeker dog might have jumped it. A wimpy, whiny dog (of which I’ve known my share) would have sat on the other side of the cattlegard and complained until the rest of us got back…

Not Baby. Baby found a way. If you can’t jump over it, you can’t go under it, and you can’t ..or don’t want to get dirty crawling around it….tip toe over it…

Just find a way.

Here’s hoping you find a way through whatever challenges, or adventures rather, you find on your plate today.

I’m finding a way by writing these notes… and sending them out there… When they come back I know which way to keep heading…. Thank you for helping me find my way.

Angels on your bodies.
Prairie Girl

1 comment:

  1. I kept looking at Baby's body language: she had her eyes fixed straight ahead! She paid no attention to the shadowy hole beneath the cattle guard rails, instead kept her focus on her immediate goal.
    I like that in a dog.
