Friday, May 20, 2011

It’s a vibration thing…Part 1

First I have to say that this is gonna get long..Long enough it’s gonna need to be a multi-parter…. Brace yourself.. Or if you don’t feel up to the extended version I’ll sum up…

1)   Savor, relish, or at the very least be content with, what is…NOW.. Meaning enjoy EVERY delicious taste of the meal you’re eating right this minute, right where you’re eating.. Don’t regret not eating at the Chilis across the street.. eat there tomorrow if you want.

2)   Emotions really are important. The communications received previously in our lifetime stating otherwise were wrong…If you’re feeling EMOTIONALLY bad..sad, down, negative… it’s a clue that you are believing an untrue thought and/or are disconnected from who/what you truly are…

3)   Feel good NOW… Be happy, content, or peaceful no matter what.. it’s important! AND.. it’s creating your next “now”…

Okay… back to our regularly scheduled tumbleweed….

It has been a while since my last transmission…or…uh… tumbleweed… but see, for the last month all I would have been able to say is that I felt like I was lying on a bed of nails, and that the lesson seemed to be “it hurts less if you don’t squirm, just let the nails penetrate’… Not a very appealing read huh?…..

So… I waited. I have learned on this journey that if I will wait….oh, and not close down my heart…. that’s important…then the lesson plan God, or The Universe, has will emerge…

What I’ve learned has been worth the wait…

What you ask could have made me feel like I was lying on a bed of nails?  Well, I’ll get to that in a minute….First I want to talk about vibrations,  and about asking and receiving….

I have said many times that I believe that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.. I think possibly all religions, or spiritual practices, could find agreement on that fact at least.. But what about this, what if it’s more accurate to say we are vibrational beings?

That would make both science and religion correct wouldn’t it?

Quantum physics has long said that all things, seen and unseen, are just molecules vibrating (or something like that… they use all the scientific words) …

It says that the only reason we see what we see is the vibration it’s moving at…We don’t see some things that exist, like gases, yet we know they are there…. You and I are both breathing invisible air as I speak…

I won’t get into the things that are right in front of you that are “seen” but you don’t see them until you’ve looked 12 times… like….your car keys….That’s important to consider, but a whole other post..

I’m gonna keep this about me for the moment…Almost 2 months ago I asked a question (and wrote this next part).. Right before I had my crisis of faith and wrote Then God must not have a heart… I mentioned in that post that I had written a post asking we could see if we weren’t blinded by our vision… This next part is from what I wrote then…………………

In his fabulous book, Bridge Across Forever, Richard Bach says.. “Do we tune visions out of our eyes, and UFOs and ghosts? Do we tune out tastes, do we tune down our senses, until we discover that the physical world is what we expect it to be, and not a miracle more?”

It is said that a person who looses one of their senses will develop “super senses” in the ones that remain…. So then they must be already in us right?.. These super senses…We must have them innately? Have we just dumbed… numbed… ourselves down?

Yesterday cousin Julie was telling me about her super sense… She’s a hairdresser and has, more times than she can count, told a customer in her chair to “hold that thought” while she reached for a silent phone that began ringing just as she got to it…She felt the ringing before she heard it…

She attributes this to loosing her hearing earlier in life. It happened in one ear at a time and was corrected by surgery… But it seemingly woke up a dormant sense… So great is this awareness of vibrations that she can just now, 15 yrs after her last surgery, stand to be in an auditorium with wooden seats and control the urge to throw up from sensory overload…

What does any of this have to do with the price of quilting in Oklahoma?... I have no idea… It’s just what is floating around in my brain tonight when I should be sleeping…

These notes on tumbleweeds… documenting my journey to find.. what?  Love, yes… but equally as important peace.. How does one find peace in chaos and pain? How do you find hope in heartbreak and confusion?

………………..Interesting huh? Two months ago I started pondering vibrations not having a clue they would be relevant in my search for peace…I’ll be telling you more about them in the next posts..

The other day I was looking back at previous blog posts and noticed there is a something repeatedly happening in them.. I ask, or seek, an answer to a question … And a blog post or two later find I am writing about the answer… Seemingly having forgotten about asking the question…

Kind of like “when the student is ready, the teacher appears” maybe?

I kept asking for.. looking for.. peace… and the love of my life…and suddenly, teachers specializing in both appeared..

I am not a person who believes for a moment that there is only one road to Rome, so to speak. It was the realization that all roads lead there that made me leave organized religion 25 years ago.

I’ve since likened myself to a Baleen Whale… you know the toothless kind that have a mouth of broom like bristles instead… They take in a mouth full of ocean and the Baleen filters out the water and keeps the fish…I like to listen to many schools of thought, and keep the things that resonate with my Spirit…

Recently 3 different teachers/writers have showed up on my radar that seem to be teaching different subjects, but the end result is the same…..Peace.. They even use the same wording but in a different context…

It gives me goose bumps to think about.. Which, by the way, one of the teachers says is a sign that you’re aligned with your Source…. Hmmm… I like that thought..

So this brings me back to the bed of nails bit.. What made me feel like I was lying on a bed of nails?

Wanting… Wanting what I didn’t even dream I could have.. didn’t even know to want..You know what I’m talking about…You know what I want… the mate of my soul…

I want what I thought I had with the Golf Pro. He came into my life at a completely serendipitous moment.  After I’d spent 12 years being put down and treated unkindly and disrespectfully he was healing like a balm.

He knew me from 20 years before and claimed to “see” me… “get” me… and adore me for who I am. He was someone who could communicate to me all that he felt about me.

He was SO good with words. And I discovered how important words and ideas are to  me. I was like a person who had been starved now sitting at a buffet… Or uh, to use the analogy I used in the very first post here…”An Ethiopian fed steak for 10 months then sent back home with a bad case of food poisoning, and a craving for red meat.”

I thought God must really love me. What a perfect man at the most perfect time…

But then food poisoning…He started being unkind and blaming me for it, then ended up lying, cheating, and using me….And I put up with it for way longer than I should because of the “belief” that it was “of God” or something..

You who have read this story from the beginning know how I have grown from that starting point to the present awareness of how powerful we ourselves are as spiritual.. vibrational.. beings…

I have over the past 10 months practiced an energetic experiment, and have had the experience of new men coming into my life with even more of the characteristics I want. They’ve expanded my list of desired qualities, and added some to the do NOT want list as well…

But none of them are the ONE.. And they were actually making the longing for him painful.

The past few weeks have been a constant calling out of my spirit to either bring me to the relationship I so crave or else just let me flippin’ be peaceful and happy without him….

Hence the ‘”bed of nails” effect.

BFF Jan said “WHAT! Do I need to have you hospitalized? You think you need a man so bad it feels like lying on a bed of nails?!?!”

I don’t NEED a man for ANYTHING… nope.. ..not even THAT… I can take out the trash all by myself…lol

And I do NOT want just any man.. I am not lonely like THAT…I was married for 12 years and was lonelier than I EVER was living alone.…

I want communion.. I want connection on all levels… The kind that can only be achieved with the lover of your body and soul…I want happily ever after…til least.

The Work of Byron Katie, I told you of in the previous posts. could only take me so far.. I came up against a brick wall.. no “question” to do the 4 questions on…If you’ve checked into those posts you know what I’m talking about…

No I don’t need a mate of my soul.. yes I want mate of my soul.. but the reality is he’s yet to show up…so.. he’s not supposed to be here yet… but… I long for him… see the issue? 

Just lay back and let the nails penetrate.. stop squirming…argue with reality and you loose…

I’ve asked God to take the desire away! Geez looeez, if I’m supposed to be this way let me be peaceful this way….

There it is again…a request for peace…..

I had it last week… Peace…I deeply, honestly, truly had it for the better part of the week…I was on top of the world content and happy…As is…. I have the teachings of Abraham-Hicks to thank for that.. look it up on Youtube… Go to and do a search titled just that Abraham-Hicks there..You can listen for hours… it will change your life…True story.

All the things I’m learning now have been around for years. I often feel like I’m the last to know about things… Apparently, I wasn’t ready for it… or at the very least I didn’t ask…

This blog has been all about asking.. Which seems to be the first step in changing your whole life..

I have had some sayings I’ve bandied about like facts of life over the years… I’ve even shared them on this blog before..

1)   The Universe/God has a knack for giving you exactly what you want about 2 weeks after you stop wanting it.
2)   Whatever you look for that’s what you’ll see.
3)   The journey is often as memorable as the destination.

What I’ve learned the past few weeks explains why these statements have withstood the test of time..

I’m gonna start with the first one….wanting…I hope it’s okay, but I’m gonna tell you what I’ve learned about them in multiple posts…Otherwise they’ll be so big no tumbleweed will be able to roll with them….

Thank you for accompanying me on this journey.. I hope my going down some of these paths makes you feel like you’ve had a nice road trip and didn’t have to pay for the gas…

Angels on your bodies…
Prairie Girl


  1. I'm going to stop looking for my missing RX sunglasses. Yes I've prayed to find them. I ALWAYS find things when I pray...other people ask me to pray to find things. So my not finding them yet is not a good sign....But I'll have faith and "stop wanting them" and hopefully they show up in two weeks lol. Thanks for the tip =)

  2. I sort of do the same thing.. only instead of praying I ask my angels to help me find it.. or show me.. and sometimes then have the thought.. or else just find them...

    Instead of NOT wanting (in part 2 you'll see where my saying is not complete) say/think something that you can believe even a little bit.. like. ."it's going to be so interesting to see where they were, I might even laugh out loud. I know I'm going to feel so amused and relieved when I see where they've been"... stuff like that... since saying "I see them right this minute" isn't something you believe right now... Stop thinkig "Ive looked EVERYWHERE!!!" Instead think "I wonder where it is I haven't looked yet"..
    Hugs and angels on your body!

  3. Thanks for the lead to the Hicks videos. Very interesting. They also led me to another place and it's really rung a bell/resonated to me. You know my story right now so I'm trying to welcome the Peace and trust in God/the Universe that what I WANT will be there at the end.

  4. Yes...the next is about wanting and is 1/2 way done.. the last will be about allowing... I'm trying to make it as cohesive as possible...and stay on my fast moving horse (vortex)..My crashes can be spectacular so I'm avoiding them..

    Think about all that works perfectly... all that's right...focus on what's right...content just for today even if you can't muster eager for tomorrow yet...content with today..
    I love you.
    Angels on your body and those you love.

  5. Many of the Ones I thought were soulmates or THE one turned out to be disasters, but on the plus side did give me more info for my Do Not Want list. Finally I just took a chance on someone who had some great qualities and all the signs said Go...we struggled together and I pined for things he didn't have that I thought were on my MUST HAVE list. Now, 15 years later and still together, I think that sometimes your soulmate doesn't come to you as that, but BECOMES it as you live and learn together. Happened that way for me, anyway.

    Looking forward to your next installment! xoxo

  6. Good point, Betsy. I think it works that way too sometimes.

  7. I agree Betsy!!!! I had a psychic tell my years ago that soulmates most often come as children because it's easier to stay together that way... I think the term soulmate so often conjures "my dream barbie/ken doll" even though we "think" it's what would make us happy our inner self.. our wise connected self.. knows what we truly want even if it hasn't made it to our head yet...and if we allow it will bring it to us...I think the "package" is sometimes misleading...
    Thank you so much for being here and contributing to my journey.. I appreciate you and your presence in my life so much..
    Love you, and angels on your body!

  8. Thanks MtnBarb...I enjoy reading your comments on Tracye's blog and feel like a friend of hers could be a friend of mine...nice to "meet" you!

    Trace, you know what you will always mean to me,an inspiration and reminder of what's possible beyond what I believe are my limitations.

    OK, gonna go look up the Hicks videos too, ya got me curious.

  9. Hey Betsy, I'd love to count you as a friend. Anyone that's associated with Tracye has to be terrific! For some reason, I was lead to Syliva Browne, a physic, and her videos and books. She reiterates what is presented in the Hicks writings. Frightning things are going on in my life right now and these videos and writing are helping me deal with them. Tracye is good for leading us to thinking differently and not always along the same paths. I thank the Lord that she was sent to be my friend.
